Etiquette: This proficiency gives the character a basic understanding of the proper forms
of behavior and address required in many different situations, especially
those involving nobility and persons of rank. Thus, the character will know the
correct title to use when addressing a duke, the proper steps of ceremony to greet
visiting diplomats, gestures to avoid in the presence of dwarves, etc. For
extremely unusual occurrences, a proficiency check must be made for the character
to know the proper etiquette for the situation (an imperial visit, for example,
is a sufficiently rare event).
However, having the character know what is correct and actually do what is
correct are two different matters. The encounters must still be role-played by the
character. Knowledge of etiquette does not give the character protection from
a gaffe or faux pas; many people who know the correct thing still manage to do
the exact opposite.
Table of Contents