Nonweapon Proficiencies
A player character is more than a collection of combat modifiers. Most people
have a variety of skills learned over the years. Consider yourself as an
example--how many skills do you possess? If you have gone through 12 years of school,
were moderately active in after-school programs, and did fairly well on your
grades, the following might be a partial list of your skills:
English reading and writing
Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry
Basic chemistry
Basic physics
Music (playing an instrument, singing, or both)
Spanish reading and writing (or French, German, etc.)
Basic Shop or Home Economics
Basic biology
In addition to the things learned in school, you have also learned things from
your parents, friends, scouts, or other groups. You might be able to add any
of the following to your list:
| Swimming
| Hunting
| Fishing
| Canoeing
| Sailing
| Horseback riding
| First aid
| Animal training
| Cooking
| Sewing
| Embroidery
| Dancing
If you consider all your hobbies and all the things you have done, you
probably know many more skills. In fact, if you make a list, you probably will be
surprised by the large number of basic skills you have. And, at this point, you are
(or were) still young!
Now, having graduated from school, you get a job. Are you just a carpenter,
mechanic, electrician, salesman, or secretary? Of course not; you are a lot more
than just your job. All those things you learned in school and elsewhere are
part of what you are. Shouldn't it be the same for your player character?
For a really complete role-playing character, you should know what your
character can do. There are three different ways to do this: using what you know,
using secondary skills, and using nonweapon proficiencies. Each of these is
optional, but each increases the amount of detail that rounds out your character.
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