Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms: This scholarly study contains expert advice and instruction regarding weapon
use and various attack and defense modes. Any single bard or fighter (but not a
paladin or ranger) who reads the manual and practices the skills described
therein for one month goes up to the mid-point of the next higher level. The book
disappears after it is read, and the knowledge therein will be forgotten within
three months, so it must be acted upon reasonably quickly.
The fighter cannot articulate what he has read, nor can it be recorded in any
fashion. Paladins and rangers will understand the work but cannot benefit from
reading it. Priests and thieves cannot understand the manual of puissant skill at arms. If a wizard so much as scans a few of its letters, he will be stunned for 1d6
turns and lose 10,000-60,000 experience points. A character can benefit from
reading a manual of puissant skill at arms only one time.
Table of Contents