Dust of Dryness: This special dust has many uses. If a pinch is cast into a cubic yard of
water, the liquid is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust pinch
becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was cast. If this pellet
is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. When the dust
is sprinkled over an area (such as with a wave of the arm), it dries up as much
as 15 cubic feet of water. The dust affects only water (whether fresh, salt,
brackish, or alkaline), not other liquids.
If the dust is employed against a water elemental or similar creature, the
creature must save vs. spell or be destroyed. A successful save still inflicts 5d6
points of damage upon the water-creature.
A pouch of this dust contains 1d6+4 pinches.
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