Rod of Security: Each time a charge is expended, this item creates a non-dimensional space, a
"pocket paradise." There the rod's possessor and as many as 199 other creatures
can stay in complete safety for a period of time, the maximum being 200 days
divided by the number of creatures affected. Thus, one creature (the rod's
possessor) can stay for 200 days; four creatures can stay for 50 days; a group of 60
creatures can stay for three days. All fractions are rounded down, so that a
group numbering between 101 and 200 inclusive can stay for one day only.
In this "paradise,'' creatures don't age (except from magical causes such as
the casting of a wish spell), and natural healing and curing take place at twice the normal rate.
Fresh water and food (fruits and vegetables only) are in abundance. The climate
is comfortable for all creatures involved, so that protection from the elements
is not necessary.
Activation of the rod causes the wielder and as many creatures as were touched
with the item at the time of use to be transported instantaneously to the
paradise. (Members of large groups can hold hands or otherwise touch each other,
allowing all to be "touched'' by the rod at once.)
When the rod's effect is cancelled or expires, all of the affected creatures
instantly reappear in the location they occupied when the rod was activated. If
something else occupies the space that a traveler would be returning to, then
his body is displaced a sufficient distance to provide the space required for
The rod can be recharged by the joint efforts of a priest of 16th or higher
level and a wizard of 18th or higher level.
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