| Modifier
Abandoned by friends
| -6
Creature lost 25% of its hp*
| -2
Creature lost 50% of its hp*
| -4
Creature is chaotic
| -1
Creature is fighting hated enemy
| +4
Creature is lawful
| +1
Creature was surprised
| -2
Creatures are fighting wizards or magic-using foes
| -2
Creatures with 1/2 HD or less
| -2
Creatures with greater than 1/2 HD, but less than 1 HD
| -1
Creatures with 4 to 8+ HD
| +1
Creatures with 9 to 14+ HD
| +2
Creatures with 15 or more HD
| +3
Defending home
| +3
Defensive terrain advantage
| +1
Each additional check required in round**
| -1
Leader is of different alignment
| -1
Most powerful ally killed
| -4
NPC has been favored
| +2
NPC has been poorly treated
| -4
No enemy slain
| -2
Outnumbered by 3 or more to 1
| -4
Outnumber opponent 3 or more to 1
| +2
Unable to affect opponent***
| -8
Wizard or magic-using creature on same side
| +2