Each character or creature is assumed to have a front, flanks, and rear. When
creatures of equal size are battling, up to six can surround a single figure.
Normally, a defender attempts to keep his opponents in sight. Thus, if there
are no special circumstances (such as a thief moving silently behind the
defender), opponents first occupy the front, then the flanks, and finally the rear.
It's assumed that the defender will try to keep attackers from getting around him.
The diagram and description apply only when combat involves creatures of the
same size. If the attacker is one size greater than the defenders, he occupies
two spaces on the diagram. For creatures two sizes or more larger (small
creatures attacking a large one, for example), the attacker occupies four spaces.
Thus, a hill giant attacking Horace the fighter would fill two of the spaces,
allowing only four orcs to join the attack. If there were two giants attacking,
only two orcs could join the combat. When attacking a small creature, one
giant and two orcs could make the attack. Any more than this and the attackers
would just get in each other's way.
Table of Contents