Charting the Changes
During the course of play, keep notes on the actions of the player characters.
At the end of each session, read through those notes, paying attention to any
unusual behavior. Note which alignment seems most appropriate to each
character's actions.
If, over the course of several playing sessions, a character's actions
consistently fit an alignment different from the character's chosen alignment, an
alignment change is probably in order. If small actions are taking a character
outside his alignment, the change should be gradual--maybe even temporary. Severe
actions could require an immediate and permanent alignment change.
In the meantime, the paladin could recognize his danger and amend his ways,
preventing the change and preserving his paladinhood. If the paladin burns the
village to prevent the disease from spreading, he commits a seriously evil act.
In this case, the DM is justified in instituting an immediate alignment change
to lawful evil or even chaotic evil. The character eventually might be able to
change back to lawful good alignment, but he will never again be a paladin.
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