
Water and wine skins come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. The most common type is the kidney-shaped goatskin bag with a metal cap on the narrow end. Other types may be encountered made of sheepskin, bearskin, or other hide. Barbaric races and humanoids (especially orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins) may adorn their waterskins with teeth, horns, or hooves of the animal that gave up its hide for the item.

A waterskin of normal size can hold two quarts of water. Players should remember that a normal human requires two quarts of water per day to maintain good health. More water will be required in hot conditions or in cases of high physical activity. Characters subsiding on dry rations also require more water. An active character may drink a gallon of water a day, and those trekking through deserts and open savannahs may find it necessary to drink as much as two gallons per day.

Cost: 8 sp

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