Table 3: Optional Barding Armor Class
(This can replace the Creatures with Natural Armor Class section in Chapter 6 of the Player's Handbook .)
| AC
| Maximum
Type of Barding
| Bonus
| AC
Leather (Padded)
| +1
| 4
Scale, Brigandine,
Studded, Ring
| +2
| 3
| +3
| 2
Banded, Splint
| +4
| 1
| +5
| 0
AC Bonus is the amount of protection a type of barding affords. For example, a heavy
warhorse (AC 7) in plate barding (+5) has an adjusted AC of 2.
Maximum AC is the best AC conferred by non-magical barding of this type. Past this
point, the innate toughness of the creature renders this type of barding redundant.
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