Adapting Existing Spells

Before attempting to design new spells, first look at the existing spells for other schools. Notice that a number of spells listed in the Player's Handbook belong to more than one school; rainbow pattern, for instance, belongs to the schools of alteration and illusion, while limited wish belongs to conjuration/summoning and invocation/evocation. Do any of the PH spells (or any of the new spells listed in Chapter 8 of this book) seem appropriate for your new school? The alteration spells transmute rock to mud and transmute water to dust are perfect for our school of metamorphics-- they both cause one substance to change to another, they both cause physical changes, and in both cases the effects are permanent.

There are other likely candidates from the PH spells for our school, but using an excessive number of duplicate spells (more than two or three) compromises the individuality of a new school.

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