Round Two

The DM decides that the two bugbears on the flanks remain under cover this round and guard. The bugbear engaging Pascal decides to take a half-move and attack, looking to open the range and take advantage of its longer reach. The last bugbear will move up to join the fight and engage Pascal. The players state their actions:

Pascal: “I’ll stand my ground and attack.”

Lyssa: “I’m going to move into the room to find a place to cast my next spell.”

Damiar: “I’ll try and shoot at the bugbear hiding around the corner. Maybe I’ll get lucky.”

Dain: “You guys are doing okay without me. I’ll keep covering this hallway.”

DM: “Roll initiative, everybody.”

The players win initiative again, rolling a 1. This accelerates their actions by a phase. In the very fast phase, Lyssa moves into the room. This time, Pascal’s average sword attack becomes a fast action, as does Damiar’s bow shot. Pascal misses her bugbear, but Damiar rolls another 20!

This time, Damiar’s 20 is not a critical hit. The DM rules that the bugbear is under 75% cover, so it has a 7-point bonus to its Armor Class, making it effectively AC –2. Since Damiar’s adjusted THAC0 is a 16, he only hit by 2, and he needed to hit by 5 to get another critical hit. The bugbear is wounded but still has some fight left in it.

In the average phase, Damiar fires his second arrow but misses. Finally, the bugbears can begin to move. The bugbear that is threatened by Pascal backs away, provoking an attack of opportunity. Pascal rolls her free attack but misses. The last bugbear closes to within two spaces. Since the bugbears are Large creatures armed with weapons, they can still reach Pascal.

DM: “We’re up to slow actions, and the two bugbears fighting Pascal get to make their attacks.” (Rolls two attacks.) “You’re lucky, they both missed. At the end of the round, nobody has to retreat. Everybody keep track of how many fatigue points you’ve used. Pascal, you used up two again this turn, due to your attack of opportunity.”

Pascal: “Don’t the bugbears have to make another morale check?”

DM: “No, nothing’s changed since the last one.”

At this point, Pascal has 6 fatigue points left, Damiar 2, and Lyssa 3, while Dain is still at his full amount, since he hasn’t moved or fought. The bugbears attacking Pascal have 7 and 9, respectively, while the two taking cover still have 10 each.


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