
This is a generic term for a very small (and usually very sharp) blade which can be held (with care!) between the fingers or in the "edge of the hand". A very sharp coin-edge, filed down, can be used in this way, and has the advantage of being readily available. A more sophisticated (and rarer) version is the razor ring, a hollow signet ring with a flip-top and a very sharp blade within.

The mini-blade is used to cut a soft container—most obviously a purse or pouch—so that the thief can get at what's inside it. It is the most effective technique for getting at coins, gems, etc., inside a purse with drawn and tied strings. With a mini-blade the thief only has to make a simple pick pockets roll to effect the larceny. If the thief has, instead, to try to open the purse strings and then extract what's inside because he has no mini-blade, this needs two pick pockets rolls for success (one to open the purse, one to get at the goodies)—and two rolls for being observed, as well!

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