Blueprint Profiles

It's time to meet a select body of august personages from diverse thieves' guilds. The NPCs here are presented with fine-grain detail, and they can be used in several ways. They can be used by any DM as "off the rack" NPCs ready for play, they can be slightly modified to suit the DM's ongoing campaign, or they can be used as an inspiration for the DM to devise his own NPCs along the same lines. These NPCs are also characters who will hold dominant positions in any thieves guild.

To give these NPCs a rounded, full character, each has been given a history and location within one of TSR's game worlds; Oerth, the world of Greyhawk, or Faerun, also known as the Forgotten Realms. If the DM does not wish to use these histories and locations, he can change them as he wishes, relocating the NPCs as desired.

Stats: Thief skill values listed include all bonuses from dexterity, race, non-use of armor, and magical items, as appropriate.

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