
This is a major advantage for a thieves' guild member. It goes without saying that many items of use to a thief are hardly available on the open market in almost any society! Armor and weapons can be had, and likewise straightforward items such as ropes, iron spikes, crowbars, and the like. But where does the thief get lockpicks, tiger's claws, razor rings, silenced armor, and suchlike? From the thieves' guild, of course.

In addition to being a source of equipment for sale (and possibly even for loan), here is an obvious chance for role-playing possibilities. The "blueprint profile" for the Thieves Quartermaster (later in this chapter) shows how a simple trip to buy some new lockpicks at the guild can be turned into an encounter with a very resourceful and entertaining NPC, one the player of the thief PC won't forget!

In some powerful guilds, magical items may be available for exchange (for other magical items, obviously ones of superior value!) or even possibly for loan (with a fat deposit securing the item). Loaning allows thief PCs to enjoy having a magical item without the DM letting them have it permanently! It should go without saying that absconding with the item will lead to relentless and murderous pursuits until the item is returned.

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