Chapter 4: Thieves' Guild

What is a Thieves' Guild anyway?

This is going to be answered in heaps of useful detail in this section. But it's useful to have a basic working idea to start with. A thieves' guild is a grouping of thieves who agree to work together, in at least some ways. Often because of external threat and danger, it makes better sense for them to cooperate a little. This group typically has a leader—a guildmaster—or maybe a small ruling council. It has laws by which members must abide; there can be many of these, or few. A guild will usually only exist in a reasonably-sized town or city, where there is enough work for thieves. It will usually also have a central meeting-place, almost always secret; this is usually referred to as the guild house. Finally, it's also usually true that the large majority of these thieves are not of good alignment—they tend towards neutrality at least, if not towards actual evil.

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