DM Decisions

   Before players create their characters, the DM should examine each of the kits and consider the following questions:

   Is this kit appropriate to the campaign? Not all kits fit with every campaign, and the DM is free to exclude any he feels are inappropriate. If the campaign takes place entirely on land, for instance, players may be barred from choosing the Sea Ranger kit. Before the players create their characters, the DM should tell them which kits are allowed and which are forbidden.

   Do the players need additional information about any kit? Any campaign details relevant to a particular kit should be explained to the players before they create their characters. For example, the DM may announce that an army of orcs have allied with a group of stone giants and declared war against all Giant Killers, or that the local king has levied a hefty tax on anyone charging for guide services, Pathfinders included.

   Are there changes in any kit? The parameters for each kit aren't engraved in stone, and the DM is free to make any changes he likes. He may decide that only female Guardians are allowed in his campaign world, or that all Justifiers must be members of a particular military order. All such changes should be made clear to the players before they create their characters.

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