Races Allowed

The DM may wish to limit certain priesthoods to certain races.

This is almost always a choice based on the history of his own campaign world. There is no game-related reason why most races can't have priests for any god, force or philosophy; but there are often campaign-related reasons why a certain race can't belong to a certain priesthood.

For example, if the halflings of a specific campaign world are pacifists, they'll be excluded from priesthood in the faith of the war-god. If dwarves are pragmatic, unromantic sorts who arrange all their marriages and don't conduct affairs of the heart, they'll be excluded from priesthood in the faith of the love-god.

In the next chapter, we provide numerous examples of priesthoods of specific mythoi. With each, there's a recommendation for allowed races. These recommendations are based on the most common and popular conceptions of these races, and the DM is free to change them for his specific campaign.

Players beware: When the Complete Priest's Handbook says one thing about allowed races, and the DM says another, the DM is always right.

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