Temporary Damage and Knockout

If a character sustained enough Temporary Damage to render him unconscious in the same blow as he suffered a Knockout, he doesn't wake up until conditions for recovery of both the Temporary Damage and the Knockout are met.

Example: In a rematch, Amstard pounds Cassius silly until his last blow knocks him out. That last blow reduced him to –3 hit points, rendering him unconscious, and Amstard also successfully rolled for Knockout on percentile dice. So, when does Cassius wake up?

It will take Cassius 20 minutes to recover 4 points of Temporary Damage, which will put him at 1 hp and let him wake up. Cassius rolls his System Shock roll and is successful, meaning that he will wake up from Knockout after 2d6 minutes. He rolls a 7, so he would wake up in 7 minutes.

But both recoveries have to finish for him to wake up. After 7 minutes, he's still unconscious, and will stay that way until 20 minutes are up.

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