Expert Disarms

If you're a very experienced fighter, and are willing to suffer a serious penalty in order to impress your enemy, you can perform an "expert disarm" against single-hand weapons only. This suffers the penalty of two Called Shots: Announce intent before initiative, then suffer a +2 to initiative and a –8 to attack rolls.

But if it does hit, when you Disarm the weapon, you can send it pretty much where you want it to, within 12 feet of the target. If, for instance, one of your allies has lost his sword, and your enemy is wielding a comparable sword, you might wish to Expertly Disarm your enemy's sword to land right in front of your friend. Or, if you're fighting with a dagger and your enemy has a sword you want, you might Expertly Disarm his blade to fly up into the air; you drop your knife and the sword drops right into your hand.

This is an almost preposterously heroic sort of thing to do (it only happens in the most swashbuckling fiction and movies, after all) so the DM may not wish to allow this option in a more gritty or realistic campaign. On the other hand, he may grant bonus XP to characters with the temerity to try it . . . and succeed!

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