New Combat Rules

Here are some optional rules you can add to combat in your campaign.

Off-Hand Weapons Use

All characters are presumed to be better with one hand than the other—in real life, most people are right-handed, quite a few are left-handed, and only a very few are truly ambidextrous.

When a character is first created, the player should specify his handedness (right or left). If he does not specify one, the DM should assume the character is right-handed.

If a character, for whatever reason, fights with his off-hand instead of his good hand, he suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls with all attacks. For example, should a character find himself with his right hand chained to a wall, and yet he needs to draw and throw a dagger and must use his off-hand, he'll then suffer the –2 penalty to attack rolls.

If you wish a character to be ambidextrous, consult "Ambidexterity," below, under "Weapon Proficiency Slots."

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