Second-level Spells

Animal Spy (Divination)

Sphere: Animal

Range: 10 yards

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 turn/2 levels of caster

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: 1 animal

Saving Throw: Wizard familiars may save vs. spell to negate.

Only a normal (real-world) animal or a giant version of a normal animal species may become an animal spy. This spell enables the caster to share the animal's senses--see through the animal's eyes, hear with its ears, smell with its nose, and so on. The animal is completely unaware of the spell's effect, unless the druid warns the beast before casting. Animal spy grants no control over the creature. However, most casters will use it on a trained animal or one befriended via the animal friendship spell.

For the duration of the spell, the caster remains in a trance, unable to move or use human senses. This consequence can prove dangerous; for instance, characters attacked while using the spell cannot feel injuries to their bodies. However, at the start of any round, the caster may choose to return the animal's senses to the creature and resume control of the human body. This decision ends the spell immediately. The spell also ends if the animal travels more than 100 yards away per level of the caster.


Sphere: Animal

Range: 10 yards

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 hour/level of caster

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: 1 person

Saving Throw: Neg.

Beastspite afflicts a single person with a magical aura that induces one species of animal to hate and fear the character. The character becomes loathed by any species of normal (real-world) animal. While this range excludes monsters, it includes giant animals of the same real-world species. (For example, if beastspite causes bats to hate the subject, giant bats will react similarly.)

When the character comes within 30 yards of an animal from the target species, the creature will make warning signals (barks, growls, etc.). Its further reaction depends on the animal's nature.

· Aggressive animals, including all predators and most trained guard animals, attack the spell recipient.

· Nonaggressive beasts shun the character, fleeing or attacking if approached.

· Owners can restrain their domesticated animals, but the beasts show obvious distress and may become very hostile if the character tries to touch them.

· If the subject was riding when the spell took effect, the mount tries to throw off the character. The subject must make a riding proficiency check each round to stay astride and to avoid a fall if thrown off.

· An animal extremely loyal to the subject, such as a pet dog, a creature influenced by an animal friendship spell, a wizard's familiar, or a paladin's war horse does not become utterly hostile to its owner. Instead it notices something "wrong" about the character and acts unusually nervous.

Fortifying Stew (Necromancy)

Sphere: Healing

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Duration: Stew retains enchantment 1 turn

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: 1 bowl of stew, etc./level

Saving Throw: None

Any bowl of broth, porridge, or stew the priest has concocted can become subject to fortifying stew. A character can enchant one bowl of stew (about 8 ounces) per experience level. Someone must consume the enchanted meal within one turn of the casting.

Anyone partaking of an entire bowlful reaps magical benefits. First, the diner gains nourishment for an entire day from the single meal. In addition, for two hours plus one round per the caster's level, the character receives 1d4+1 temporary hit points. Any damage suffered comes off the extra hit points first. The effects of multiple helpings of fortifying stew are not cumulative.

For example, Snapdragon, a 7th-level druid, cooks a meaty broth, casts fortifying stew on it, and eats the bowlful. A roll of 2 gives her 3 extra hit points. When the spell's effects wear off just over three hours, she loses these extra points. If she suffers 5 points of damage in the meantime, she actually loses only 2 hp of her own, since 3 hp came off the extra hit points.

The material component is a vial of stock made of the first fruit of the harvest.

Gift of Speech (Enchantment/Charm)

Sphere: Animal

Range: 10 yards/level of caster

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 1 turn/level of caster

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: 1 animal

Saving Throw: None

The gift of speech spell grants a normal animal (or a giant version of a normal animal) the ability to speak any one of the languages the caster knows, whichever the caster chooses, along with the ability to understand words and simple concepts expressed in that language. The affected animal's reactions do not change, nor does its Intelligence increase. The spell has no effect if cast on a creature with an Intelligence score of less than 1.

The material component of this spell is the priest;s holy symbol.

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