First-level Spells

Beastmask (Illusion/Phantasm)

Sphere: Animal

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 12 hours

Casting Time: 4

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: Neg.

Beastmask may affect any single person or animal, or characters may cast it on themselves. It allows the subject to take on the illusory form of a single animal species--but only that species of animal can perceive the illusion. The subject may not assume an animal form more than twice or less than one-quarter the character's size.

The almost perfect illusion the spell creates deceives the animal's sight, hearing, smell, and touch. For instance, once a character casts a "bear" illusion on a subject, bears believe that subject to be a bear, while to humans, other races, and other creatures, the subject remains the same.

Characters normally use beastmask to travel among or hunt a particular species. This spell lets a druid assume the guise of a caribou to move among a herd without causing them to panic. A character also could avoid being attacked by a pack of dire wolves by wearing a wolf's "mask."

Beastmask does not allow communication with the animal species, though it can be used with animal communication spells.

The material component is a miniature wooden mask carved to look like the animal.

Puffball (Alteration)

Sphere: Plant

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 2 rounds/level of caster

Casting Time: 4

Area of Effect: 1 mushroom, etc.

Saving Throw: Special

A character who casts puffball on a normal mushroom, truffle, or toadstool (up to 6 inches in diameter) transforms the fungus into a magical puffball, which the character may drop or throw. The DM should decide what type of roll, if any, is required to hit the target (Strength, Dexterity, etc.) See the DMG, pgs. 62-63, for rules on grenadelike missiles.

The puffball bursts upon landing, releasing a cloud of spores 10 feet in diameter. Those caught in the spore cloud must save vs. poison or suffer an attack of coughing and choking. Victims can make no attacks and lose all Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class and saving throws. The cloud dissipates in 1d3+1 rounds; residual effects still afflict characters one round after they escape the cloud or it fades.

The spell's effects do not affect undead or similar nonbreathing creatures. If no one throws (or drops) the missile by the time its duration expires, the enchantment is lost.

The caster sprinkles the material component--a pinch of ground puffball--over the fungus to be enchanted.

Whisperward (Alteration)

Sphere: Guardian, Weather

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Duration: Permanent until triggered

Casting Time: 4

Area of Effect: 1 item

Saving Throw: None

Whisperward can be cast on any single item, portal, or closure (such as a book, door, or lid). It may ward up to a 30-foot radius.

The character keys the ward to become activated (like a magic mouth spell) under specific conditions--such as when a certain individual enters the area or opens the warded closure. When the ward is triggered, a soft whispering breeze blows across the caster's face. The caster must stay within 1 mile per experience level of the ward to receive the warning.

The material component is the priest's holy symbol.

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