
An idealist character--usually a young initiate--feels convinced that Nature needs saving, and he's the one to do it. Always optimistic, he sometimes bites off more than he can chew. He prefers to seek simple solutions to complex problems.

The idealist is usually pure of heart, meaning he doesn't lie or cheat and has few vices. While he seems fond of saying "Nature doesn't lie," he has yet to learn that many people do. Perhaps for that reason, people find it relatively easy to trick this character. However, if he realizes he's been manipulated or if he discovers corruption in someone he considered honest, his temper will flare in a fierce fit of anger.

In combat, the idealist rarely uses sophisticated tactics. He prefers to wield flashy spells, but will fight with physical weapons if necessary.

A young idealist usually doesn't feel ready to settle down, so sedentary kits like the Guardian or Village Druid don't work for him. He does not possess the bitterness of an Avenger and lacks the discipline of a Natural Philosopher and the subtlety of a good Adviser. The best kits for him are Beastfriend, Shapeshifter, or Wanderer.

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