Paid in Full

The practice of black necromancy takes a terrible toll on the body, the mind, and the spirit. Some of the handicaps can be quite severe. Keep in mind that they are intended to counter-balance the potentially powerful Dark Gifts described in Chapter Two. They can also be used to punish player characters for dabbling in the Black Arts. Not all of the proposed handicaps are equally nasty; the DM may decide to impose two lesser hindrances on a necromancer in exchange for a particularly powerful Dark Gift.

Even if a necromancer (wisely) avoids the Black Arts, the wizard must still pay a social price. The necromancer faces fear and ignorance in the uninitiated, who cannot comprehend the subtle beauty of the Art. While some necromancers resign themselves to solitude, others are pained by the lack of public understanding or appreciation for their calling. Even after all the other sacrifices have been paid in full, loneliness is the ultimate price of the necromancer.

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