How to Use this Book

The Complete Book of Necromancers has been designed for DMs who wish to create complex and memorable spellcasting foes for their unique campaigns. The book is divided into three main sections, each of which the DM may read separately, in any order. The chapters within each individual section should be taken in sequence. They contain introductory material (such as Kazerabet’s foreword) which may be read to players, serve as inspiration for adventure hooks, or used in any other way which helps add a further dimension of realism to the campaign.

The first four chapters are devoted to the necromancer nonplayer character (NPC). Chapter One discusses the rules for creating a basic wizard necromancer as a separate and independent sub-class, starting from the basics outlined in the Player’s Handbook. It explores five new kits—the Archetype, Anatomist, Deathslayer, Philosopher, and Undead Master—each with a different role for the campaign. Chapter Two extends the powers of a necromancer by adding dual classes, psionic Wild Talents, and special powers from the patronage of dark gods. We also discuss some undead or monstrous variants of the necromancer to challenge the most powerful (or foolhardy) groups of adventurers. Chapter Three discusses some of the harsh sacrifices that necromancers must make if they wish to pursue the Forbidden Arts. In Chapter Four, we greatly expand the school of Necromancy, discussing both the beneficial and harmful aspects of the Art.

The next section is devoted to the death priest: the clerical equivalent of the necromancer, who has been given far too little attention in the past. Unlike the wizard, who studies death, the death priest fervently worships it. These clerics belong to distinct priesthoods, each with unique roles, granted powers, spells, and goals for the campaign. Chapter Five explores five of these necromantic priesthoods who serve the Gods of the Dead, Murder, Pestilence, Suffering, and Undead. Chapter Six expands the necromantic priest sphere, providing many more spells for the distinctive necromantic priesthoods.

The final section of the book builds the necromancer and death priest into leaders and active participants in the campaign. Chapter Seven fleshes out a necromancer’s entourage with students, henchmen, familiars, and undead minions. Chapter Eight discusses their primary tools, including deadly poisons, necromantic magical items, and books of forbidden lore. Chapter Nine details the Isle of the Necromancer Kings, providing the DM with adventure hooks and introductory scenarios for a campaign. This chapter also includes the descriptions of seven detailed NPCs who can be used as examples and easily dropped into an existing campaign. Finally, the Appendices contain tables, indexes, and a reference list to help the DM gather necromantic material together from other sources.

Table of Contents