Crossbow, Hand

This deadly little bow is a pistol-sized weapon made with a steel tiller. It is more easily concealed than the light crossbow and its use is considered unethical in civilized society. Hand crossbows have a reloading mechanism built into the tiller.

"Apparently, the drow couldn't care less about the hand crossbow's reputation, since they favor this weapon in all encounters. Derro also use hand crossbows, probably a habit they picked up from their fellow subterranean dwellers, the drow.

"Of all the crossbows, light crossbows were the first to be developed. Their rate of fire and range are their main advantages. But damage potential is less than that of a bow and arrow.

"Heavy crossbows have better range and damage potential, but they can fire only once every other round. If a warrior does not kill his opponent with the first shot, he may not get another chance.

"It would be foolish to dismiss the crossbow completely. Heavy and light crossbows have better ranges than their respective bow counterparts, the long and short bows. The best tactic when using a crossbow is to assemble a line of people, all armed with these weapons, who unleash a devastating volley at an enemy.

"Hand crossbows are easily concealed, have an adequate rate of fire, and good range for such a small weapon. On the other hand, damage potential is worse than that of a dagger, and the weapon may be banned in some lawful kingdoms or cities. Some societies, such as the drow, place poison on their bolts in order to immobilize an opponent.''

-- Emryl Aelorthas, Professional Bowyer

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